Water bell

Water play structures for toddlers are essential equipment in recreational areas dedicated to young children. Designed with quality and durability in mind, these play installations offer a safe and enriching experience for the youngest. Each element is carefully crafted from high-quality materials to guarantee optimum resistance to wear and weather. What's more, their playful design stimulates children's imagination and exploration, inviting them to discover new games and have fun while cooling off. Finally, safety is a top priority: the structures are equipped with robust safety devices to prevent accidents and ensure peace of mind for parents and carers.

Discover the Water Bell, one of our small aquatic structures designed to offer an immersive and refreshing experience! With the option for users to take refuge under the water bubble, this structure offers a playful and refreshing refuge. The water bubble is created by a 360-degree adjustable opening at the top of the structure, allowing children to play and cool off as they please. Immerse yourself in a world where water becomes a playful refuge with the Water Bell. This structure promises moments of fun and relaxation under the sun, offering a unique and memorable aquatic experience for young and old alike.



Number of users



Buried installation, Universal base installation

Entertainment value


Water effect


Fiche technique (FR)


Technical sheet (EN)
