Feline hoop

The unique and original Cerceau Félin will give your playground a playful structure that will delight everyone!

The Cerceau Félin water structure represents a cat's head. It features twelve (12) nozzles on the outer sides to create an original course. These also form whiskers thanks to the water filaments projected. The cat's eyebrows fall on the adventurous ones who make it through the Feline Hoop. Enhance it with jets on the floor where users will cross an ever-changing corridor.


11 GPM; 41.6 LPM

Dimensions (H/W/D)

See data sheet

Water effect

Directional, Multiple, Curtain



Number of users



Buried installation, Universal base installation


4 psi; 27.6 kPa

Entertainment value


Spray zone

See data sheet

Fiche technique (FR)


Technical sheet (EN)


The Cerceau Félin water structure represents a cat's head. It features twelve (12) nozzles on the outer sides to create an original course. These also form whiskers thanks to the water filaments projected. The cat's eyebrows fall on the adventurous ones who make it through the Feline Hoop. Enhance it with jets on the floor where users will cross an ever-changing corridor.