Duo Surprise

The water play structures, equipped with pouring buckets, offer a fun and dynamic experience for children, while guaranteeing exceptional quality and durability. Designed with high-quality materials, these installations ensure optimum safety while stimulating the imagination and creativity of young adventurers. Each structure is carefully crafted to offer a constant effect of surprise, with pouring buckets suddenly releasing torrents of refreshing water, arousing children's wonder and excitement. This unexpected dynamic creates an atmosphere of dynamic play, where every moment is a new adventure.

Discover Duo Surprise, a refreshing experience full of surprises! When the Duo Surprise's pouring buckets fill with water, they tip with captivating grace, spilling their contents and creating a playful surprise effect in the playground. Children have great fun anticipating each tipping, letting their imaginations run wild and developing their courage and patience with each new experience. With its imposing presence and undeniable charm, the Duo Surprise is fast becoming a favorite among children, who are always amazed by its water show. Immerse yourself in the playful world of Duo Surprise and let yourself be surprised by the magic of water!

Water effect

Fall, Surprise



Number of users



Buried installation, Universal base installation

Entertainment value

Active, Family